Membership Online

We are looking forward to having you join / renew as a member of PTSCA.  There are a few methods for you to sign up for membership:

  • If you are renewing and your contact information has not changed, you can skip the form, save a stamp and make a payment using your credit card or PayPal.  Select the 'membership' option in the red box on the left, then click Pay Now - you will then provide enough information at the PayPal website for us to identify your payment. 
The Credit Card/PayPal option connects directly to Paypal's secure site (always make sure it is https://).  Once at PayPal, you can either pay using your Paypal account, or, if you do not have a PayPal account then you can use a Credit Card or ATM/Debit card.
  • If you are signing up as a new member and want to use the online option, once you have paid, please fill out the form and send an email to
  • You can sign up at any of our events throughout the year.  Please bring a check or credit card to any of our events. We will have membership forms available at the event(s) for you to fill out.   
Thank you.  Please contact the Jorge Victoria if you have any questions, 925/989.6882. Email
We look forward to seeing you soon!, Amigos

Credit Card and PayPal Payments

You can now pay your Membership Dues with a credit card or your Paypal account.
